( I'm That Which Governs ALL )

Dark & Light

I'm Knowing / I'm Thought

I'm Language That Which Connects ALL




The Mythology Of The Siren


Motion Senses & Hunting Traps & Fishing

What’s Is Racism ?

For Racism Is Colourless = Will Lead To Humanity Extinction

The Mind Is Set For Destruction And Goes Against Man’s Survival

For The Secret For This Tale Lies In The LAW Of Gaia

Racism Is The Seed Of Corruption

For What DO WE Mean By Corruption

For In The Game Of Power It Makes No Sense For It Leads To Humanity s Extinction

But For The Game Of Planetary Extermination It Makes Sense

By Natural LAW A Counter Weight Will Form

For This Form Will Be Extreme To Counter This Cause & Effect (Extinction)

The Counter Force Will Lead To The Extinction Of The World For Rasicm Is INSANE


The SANE Will Walk The Earth & True Trade Will Be Born

For The Future Of Man’s Development

Let Me Explain The Choice Of The King Of Kings

For A Global System Under 1 Roof

The Head (Planetary Monarch)

For There Is A Price For Uniting The Planet Under 1 Roof

For King Of Kings (God) Is A Genetic Vault / (Can’t Be Gained Through Genetic Engineering) Keeper Of Secrets / Oldest Life Form

(Can’t Be Re-placed Or Killed = Value To High To Be Kill = Planetary Value)

The King Of King Is The KEY Structure / Can Be Removed & The Result Will Be The Collapse Of

The Structure

The King Of Kings IS The Only One Capable Of Leaving The Structure

For The Enemy Of The King Of Kings Is Racism

For The King Of Kings Mission Is The Development Of The Planet

For If You Knew What The King Of Kings Was You Would Practise Racism

For Do You See How Extreme The The Counter Force For Racism Will Be

The Gift Of Free Will


Life OR Death

King Of Kings / Racism

(Note – A Death Cult Will Go With King Of Kings)

(Even The Black Death Spared MAN)

(Inside Joke = Oh God He Can’t Evolve)

(Racsit Answer = I Admire Your Commitment )

Kings Of Kings Respond = (In The Brain / Danger) = Plan War Plan / Joke - They Insane

(Down) / Raise Your Sword / (Up)

Heart Dropping



Hail Wise

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